Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Momentous Occasion

Come all ye men of Maryland, attend unto my jovial theme: today marks the thirteenth meeting and first anniversary of the Baltimore Singers Club!

A year ago, on September 12th, a few bold men, ballad singers, traipsed up the stairs at Bertha’s, beers in hand, for the first time. We didn’t know what to expect (and that hasn’t changed!), but we knew we wanted to create a special place for singers and songs in Baltimore. Of course, that’s easier said than done -- not every establishment desires to give itself over to a clique of singers, nor will every establishment tolerate narrative singing for an entire evening!

You’re reading this, however, because we had the good fortune to make it work.

It’s fair to say that the latest comer to the Baltimore Singers Club was initiative, for although Pat Egan, Andy O’Brien, and I discussed the prospect of a regular “singing session” for several years, our progress was at length forestalled by the lack of a venue. All that changed when, at Andy’s request, Tony Norris consented to let us use the upstairs room at Bertha’s, which has proved the perfect spot.

We’re very pleased to meet on the second Wednesday of every month at Bertha’s (of ‘Eat Bertha’s Mussels’ fame) Bar and Restaurant not only because we enjoy what’s on tap, but because it’s a great spot for singing. Leaks and puddles aside, the upstairs room offers precisely the space and the quiet for what we’re after (drink), not to mention that you can still hear every detail from the adjacent men’s and ladies’ rooms. Tony and Laura always have tremendous performers booked in the taproom, and neither is the company on the other side of the bar less than pleasant and delightful.

A year on, the Baltimore Singers Club has grown from three to six to ten and fifteen members. We’ve made the transition from a fetal inkling to living, breathing existence, and we’re growing still -- vigorously. The coming year holds some very exciting developments for the Singers Club: this blog, soon to be regularly updated, and, if God, Mary, and the grant cycle are with us, our first visiting singers (one of whom is already confirmed – stay tuned!).

Our prospects (and our courage) are good, our membership is better, and we have the great good fortune to be surrounded by a community of marvelous musicians, fantastic friends, and the kindest, most supportive neighbors anyone could ask for.

Success to the traditional music of Maryland and the Baltimore Singers Club!

1 comment:

Sea Canary said...

For those interested in such things, a fragment of the original Song "Eat Bertha's Mussels" as sung by John Roberts (composer) and Tony Barrand can be heard at either [ ] (WAV) or [ ] (MP3). That's John on the banjo.

Somewhere along the way, I'd love to know the story of how he came to write such a (local) anthem.

++Don Stallone